Thank u DNR for keepingthis photo my regret is I couldnot do much for him except to get him nomimated as an exofficio expert on the board of studies of mathematics and statistics of marathwada university aurangabad
I met him thrice in his koli at nasik temple he showed me his publications and research papers by others across the globe on his results on hershad number dilshad numbers, demlo numbers I came acrosshis name in an article in scientific American by martin gardiner on KAPREKARS CONSTANT 6174.
I was intrested in him and enquired about him from prof. Narshimham, prof. Srinivasan of TIFR bombay I also coresponded with prof
Yates of USA
I was mad to do research on kapraker's work so that he would get due recognition in the galaxy of mathematicians.
Having collected the research papers published till then in international journals and kaprekars own publications .I joined Andhra University as a FIP Phd scholar when I expressed my desire to do research on kaprekar they found me to be a maverick .I had to reluctently investigate PERFECT TOTIENT NUMBERS and quit research after getting M.phil subsequently I wrote to all and sundry in the acedamic world requesting them to award kapreker honorarry degree that would have made kapreker happy
Kapreker was just a matriculate and served as a elementary school teacher but his memory remains forever beacause of 6174 and the susequent research done by many.
I remain dis satisfied disgruntled and disappointed that karpreker a true aam admi without shaukeen qualifications could not get due recognition across the country my failure to do anything tangible has been my greatest frusration. MAY THE MEMORY OF DATTATREYA RAMRAO KAPREKAR LiVE FoREVER.
16 April 2014.